Divorce Lawyer

lawyer holding divorce law books with a judges gavel in courtroom. legal study concept.
Divorce, Custody, Child Support, Division of Property

Divorce Lawyer

Is your spouse cheating on you or physically abusing you? Do you need a divorce? Are you worried about losing custody of your children? Do you need child support? Do you need spousal support? Are you worried about losing your home, your bank accounts, or your retirement benefits?

We can help you separate from and divorce your spouse. We can help you get custody of your children and set up a visitation schedule. We can make sure that you are getting the child support and spousal support you need to continue to live comfortably. We can make sure you do not lose the property and retirement benefits you have spent a lifetime acquiring.

There are various grounds for divorce including legal separation, adultery, cruelty, and desertion. We can help you decide if you have a legally appropriate basis for divorcing or separating from your spouse.

There are two types of custody: legal custody and physical custody, legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody refers to the ability to make important decisions about your child’s future. Physical custody refers to where your child will live and with whom.

In order to decide questions concerning the custody of your child, the Court will need to make a determination as to what is in the best interest of your child. We will help you convince the Court that you are the spouse who is best suited to have legal and physical custody of your child. We will also help establish a visitation schedule for the other parent.

Child support is usually determined according to a formula set out in each state’s child support guidelines. If you are the custodial parent, we will help you assemble the evidence you need to make sure that you are receiving the most child support you can get in accordance with the child support guideline. If you are not the custodial parent, we will make sure that you are not paying more than your fair share.

Spousal support can be awarded in cases where one spouse has not worked outside the home and\or in cases where there is a big difference in the incomes of each spouse. It can also be awarded in cases where one spouse or the other has not worked outside the home for a period of time and needs spousal support for a period of years to get back to where he or she would have been had he or she not stayed home to care for children. Like child support, it is often determined by reference to state guidelines and\or a determination as to need and ability to pay. If you need spousal support, we will help you assemble the evidence to make sure that you are receiving what you need. If you are the party who will be paying spousal support, we will make sure that you are not paying more than your fair share.

Divorce Cases We Specialize In

Property and retirement benefits will be divided in accordance with a variety of factor including contributions made to the family as a wage earner and as a home maker. We can help you assemble the evidence to make sure you get your fair share of all martial property. Common cases include:

Divorce- Contested or Uncontested? We can provide you with an uncontested divorce for a low, flat fee price. We also do contested work on a per hour basis. Please give us a call so we can discuss which option works best for you. Please give us a call to discuss your case today (703) 351-5015.  

The Court balances a number of factors in order to decide what is in the child’s best interests including each parent’s history of casting for the child; each parent’s work schedule; and the preference of the child.

The Court uses a formula based on each parent’s income and the cost of health insurance and day care.

The Court will look at a number of factors including when the property was acquired and what type of contributions each spouse made to the acquisition of the property.