Auto Accidents, Medical Malpractice, Legal Malpractice
Personal Injury Lawyer
Have you been injured in an auto accident? Have you been the victim of legal or medical malpractice? Do you have doctors bills and lost wages? Are you experiencing pain due to an injury? Are you having trouble negotiating a settlement with an insurance company?
We can help you gather and assemble the documents necessary to present the best possible claim for an insurance company in order to settle your case and the best possible case if you can’t settle and have to try your case in court.
James A. Devita and Associates has over 37 years of experience handling personal injury cases from the most serious legal and medical malpractice cases to the simplest fender bender.
What you will recover will depend upon the severity of your injuries, the amount of your medical bills, and the length of time you are out of work.
Personal Injury Cases We Specialize In
We do injury and malpractice cases on a contingency basis. You will not need to pay an hourly fee. Instead we will be paid a percentage of what you recover and if you don’t recover anything, there will be no charge. Common cases include:
Auto Accidents
Medical Malpractice
Legal Malpractice
Please give us a call to discuss your case today (703) 351-5015.